He is All Sufficient
Is there anything sweeter than a newborn baby? So warm and soft with such sweet breath. Perfect and beautiful. When my first child was born, I held her and realized just how important I was. I was everything to her.…
He is All Knowing
The Bible has roughly 300 prophecies about Jesus. Who he would be, how he would be born, and how he would die. And that is just a portion of prophecies in the Bible. It’s not including the many prophecies about…
He is All Powerful
Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. Psalm 115:3 The Bible is very clear about the sovereignty of God. There is nothing that holds sway or claim over him or his actions. He does not consult…
He is Eternal
What would you do if you had endless time? I have often wished for the ability to stop the clock - to catch up on sleep, to finish the dishes, or just to make the weekend last a little longer.…
God: Mistaken Identity or Mix-up Flip Book?
Many feel the wild, untamable God of the Bible is scary and wants too much from us, so it's easier to choose to believe in a God who only loves, like a benevolent old Grandfather. He gives us what we…
The Expectation of Reality
If we are going to get to the bottom of satisfaction and real joy, we need to start with the basics. What is the real reason that satisfaction is so hard to find? Of course the core reason is sin,…