
He is All Powerful

Our God is in the heavens;
    he does all that he pleases.
Psalm 115:3

The Bible is very clear about the sovereignty of God. There is nothing that holds sway or claim over him or his actions. He does not consult anyone for decisions and does not need to overcome barriers in order to accomplish his goals. He does not get backed into a corner and have to think or force his way out. He does not contend with the will of man in order to accomplish his purposes.

Now, don’t even think about asking the question about whether God can create a rock so big that he could not lift it! That is a ridiculous question. For an infinitely powerful God, the rock would have to be infinitely large. First, a rock by definition has to have boundaries and size. Second, that would eclipse all of creation, so why would that be profitable? It is exactly those kinds of non-questions that just muddy the water of real thought. Do not waste your time.

However, we as finite beings, with limited knowledge and perspective, tend to waste a lot of time making assumptions about God’s power. They tend to fall in two categories. One: If God is good and loving, then he cannot be all powerful. A good and loving God would not allow the horrors and tragities of this world to hurt the creatures he loves. Therefore, he is not powerful enough the stop them. Two: If God is all powerful, then he is not good or loving. He is cold and distant, he is a megalomaniac, or he is a vast intellect moving pieces on a chess board in a horrible experiment.

And so emerge versions of God such as the loving God who, though he can’t really help now, will suffer with us and bring all to heaven when we die, or the God who is angry and enjoys punishing all who transgress against his impossible rules. Think about the gods the Greeks invented. They saw the glory in the world and recognized that it had to be created, but they also saw much suffering around them. In order to square it with their limited perspective, they created powerful beings that were cruel and flawed. It is not much different than what is thought today.

But the sovereignty of God is not only the infinite power of God. It is the infinite power of God working together with the infinite wisdom of God. This is the perspective we are lacking when we try to marry how God’s love and infinite power can coexist in such an imperfect world. It all comes down to wisdom.

There is one perspective that we tend to be blind to, but it is the closest to understanding God’s purposes for why he does what he does. It is the perspective of loving parent.

When you love someone, especially as much as a parent loves a child, you want the very best for them. You see the potential in that child and you know that with proper instruction, experience, and support they will be someone with amazing potential in the world. You also know that a life of absolute ease will destroy the potential they have. If you are a parent, or have taught or coached anyone, you know this to be true. So with a heavy heart, you prepare to let them struggle, cry, fall, and even fail. It will not be easy for you to watch, but you know the benefits of struggle so you let it happen. There has rarely been someone great that hasn’t said the struggle was not profitable.

Now, this is not the only reason why God allows sin to run unchecked for a time. He has many knowable and unknowable reasons for everything, but you can be sure that he is not standing back wringing his hands trying to gain control of the situation. There is no anomoly here. When we see a disconnect between what we think is a loving God and an all powerful one, I can assure you, it is our perspective that is lacking, not God’s love, power, or wisdom.

This is truth that is bedrock to our joy. Our God is in the heavens; he does all he pleases. And what he pleases for us is a life that shows us what is true, what is worth living and dying for, and circumstances that mold us to the person he wants us to be. He has the power to make sure that all the circumstances that come our way will benefit us. As Paul says, And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

As I write this at the height of the COVID19 pandemic, it is just as true and relevant as ever. Tens of thousands have died, and thousands will continue to die. “Where is God?” is the question people are asking. He is here, he is purposing all that happens. It is all for the benefit of those that he has called according to his purpose. It is for the benefit of all those he is still calling. Children need wake up calls, and this is one! Self-centeredness is not satisfying, apathy toward the creator of the universe is deadly, and God belittling lives result in being cut off from him forever.

We are not in control, but God is. He does as he pleases – lovingly, wisely. Trust him.